How long should you wait between pregnancy tests

How Long Should You Wait Between Pregnancy Tests?

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or are wondering about the possibility of an unexpected pregnancy, taking a pregnancy test can feel overwhelming, particularly if you’re not sure whether or not to trust the results you’ve gotten.

If you receive a clear, positive result on a pregnancy test, it’s almost certain you’re pregnant (though it’s always best to have the results verified by a trusted healthcare provider). If, however, you receive a negative result but still have reason to suspect you might be pregnant (for instance, you still haven’t gotten your period), you may wonder what to do and when to test again.

Below, we’ve provided an overview of how many pregnancy tests you should take, how long to wait between them under various circumstances, and when to see a healthcare provider. For in-person support and access to free, medical-grade pregnancy testing, visit our compassionate and dedicated team at Atwell Centre: Pregnancy Support Options.

Key Takeaways

      • Receiving a false positive on a pregnancy test is extremely rare, but a false negative result is more common.

      • If you receive a negative result but still believe you may be pregnant, take another pregnancy test one week later or visit your doctor to have a blood test that can detect pregnancy earlier than a urine test.

      • If you get different results from multiple tests, you can wait a few days to a week and test again or visit your doctor for a blood test.

      • For medical grade pregnancy testing in Hamilton, visit Atwell Centre: Pregnancy Options Support.

    How Many Pregnancy Tests Should You Take?

    A home pregnancy test will be most accurate when taken no earlier than the first day of a missed period (approximately 10 days after conception). The number of pregnancy tests you should take depends on your circumstances:

        • If you receive a positive result on the first try, you likely only need to take one pregnancy test. It is extremely rare for a positive pregnancy test result to be inaccurate, no matter whether it’s a home pregnancy test or a blood or urine test performed by a medical professional.

        • If you receive a negative result on the first try, it’s recommended to take another pregnancy test one week later. If the results are still negative, and you have not received your period, you should make an appointment with a healthcare provider for further testing.

      How Long Should You Wait Between Pregnancy Tests?

      The standard recommendation is to wait one week between pregnancy tests. A negative result may occur if you test too early before your hCG levels have risen enough to be detected. HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, also known as the pregnancy hormone. It’s the hormone that pregnancy tests are designed to detect in urine or blood, and waiting a week can give it time to increase in the body.

      Testing Too Early

      Testing too early is the most frequent cause of false negative pregnancy results and may occur for the following reasons:

          • You miscalculated the conception date.

          • You have an irregular menstrual cycle length, and your period is not actually due yet.

          • You tested earlier than recommended because you were eager to get results.

        What To Do if You Don’t Want To Wait Before Retesting

        If you receive a negative result on a home pregnancy test and don’t want to wait a week before retesting, you can request a blood test from your doctor that is more sensitive and may be able to detect elevated hCG levels as early as 9-12 days after conception. You can also take a medical-grade urine pregnancy test for free at Atwell Centre anytime, with support from our knowledgeable and experienced staff.

        What To Do if You Get Different Results From Multiple Tests?

        If you receive different results from multiple pregnancy tests taken at the same time, chances are high that you’re pregnant. Certain tests may be sensitive enough to detect your current levels of hCG, while others may not. You could wait a few days to a week and test again or make an appointment right away with your healthcare provider.

        Pregnancy Testing in Hamilton and Oakville

        At Atwell Centre: Pregnancy Support Options, our caring, professional, and experienced team is always here to support you. We’re available to help you take a free pregnancy test, listen to you, and offer guidance, education, and empowerment as you navigate your path forward.

        For more information, visit us at our Hamilton or Oakville location.

        The information provided on the Atwell Centre blog is intended solely for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician or other qualified healthcare provider for the most up-to-date information and personal medical advice.


        If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, need STI testing, or would like post-abortion support, please book an appointment at Atwell Centre. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.


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